By signing this Additional Application Form: 

  • I/We acknowledge that I/we have received, read in full and understood the current PDS including the AIB for the fund(s) I/we have selected and agree to be bound by the terms of the PDS and the terms of the relevant Constitution(s), each as supplemented, amended, replaced or re-issued from time to time.
  • I/We acknowledge that I/we have read and understand the target market determination for the fund and I/we consider the level of risk associated with holding an investment in the fund is appropriate for my/our individual risk and return profile. 
  • I/We acknowledge that Maple-Brown Abbott Limited, does not guarantee the capital value or the investment performance of any fund. 
  • I/We acknowledge that investments in the fund(s) are subject to investment risks, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested. 
  • I/We acknowledge that I/we have read the section in the AIB titled ‘Protecting your privacy’ and agree that Maple-Brown Abbott may collect, use, disclose, and handle my/our personal information in the manner set out in that section. 
  • I/We declare that all the details given on this Additional Application Form are true and correct, and the relevant customer identification has been included. 
  • I am/we are aware that failure to provide all necessary information and identification may delay the processing of my/our application 
  • I/We will provide all identification and verification materials that may be required at any time for the purposes of complying with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 and Rules. 
  • I/We will provide any representations that Maple-Brown Abbott may require at any time for the purposes of complying with its ongoing obligations under the United States of America legislation Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act 2010 or corresponding Australian legislation. 
  • I/We acknowledge that the appointment of an authorised representative is governed by the terms set out in the AIB.
  • I/We acknowledge and agree that any information accessed by an online portal about my/our investment may not be reliable, accurate or secure, and should not be relied on when making investment decisions. To the extent permitted by law we are not liable for any error on any such online portal. 
  • I/We confirm that, if I am/we are applying for units on behalf of another person, I/we have notified Maple- Brown Abbott that I/we are acting as a trustee or agent (as applicable) of the beneficial owner(s) and of the identity of the beneficial owner(s). 
  • I/We confirm that, if I am/we are natural person(s), I am/we are at least 18 years of age.

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